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Evaluation Kits from Analog Devices Inc.


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuC7019?/?ADuC7020?/?ADuC7021?/?ADuC7022?/?ADuC7024?/?ADuC7025?/?ADuC7026?/?ADuC7027?/ ADuC7028 /?ADuC7029 are fully integrated,1 MSPS, 12-bit data acquisition systems incorporating highperformance multichannel ADCs, 16-bit/32-bit MCUs, andFlash?/EE memory on a single chip.The ADC consists of up to 12 single-ended inputs. An additionalfour inputs are available but are multiplexed with the four DACoutput pins. The four DAC outputs are available only on certainmodels (ADuC7020, ADuC7026, ADuC7028, and ADuC7029).However, in many cases where the DAC outputs are not present,these pins can still be used as additional ADC inputs, giving amaximum of 16 ADC input channels. The ADC can operate insingle-ended or differential input mode. The ADC input voltageis 0 V to VREF. A low drift band gap reference, temperature sensor,and voltage comparator complete the ADC peripheral set.Depending on the part model, up to four buffered voltageoutput DACs are available on-chip. The DAC output range isprogrammable to one of three voltage ranges.The devices operate from an on-chip oscillator and a PLLgenerating an internal high frequency clock of 41.78 MHz(UCLK). This clock is routed through a programmable clockdivider from which the MCU core clock operating frequencyis generated. The microcontroller core is an ARM7TDMI?,16-bit/32-bit RISC machine, which offers up to 41 MIPS peakperformance. Eight kilobytes of SRAM and 62 kilobytes ofnonvolatile Flash/EE memory are provided on-chip. TheARM7TDMI core views all memory and registers as a singlelinear array.On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit serial downloadvia the UART or I2C serial interface port; nonintrusive emulationis also supported via the JTAG interface. These features areincorporated into a low cost QuickStart? development systemsupporting this MicroConverter? family.The parts operate from 2.7 V to 3.6 V and are specified over anindustrial temperature range of ?40?C to +125?C. Whenoperating at 41.78 MHz, the power dissipation is typically120 mW. The ADuC7019/ADuC7020/ADuC7021/ADuC7022/ADuC7024/ADuC7025/ADuC7026/ADuC7027/ADuC7028/ADuC7029 areavailable in a variety of memory models and packages (seeOrdering Guide).APPLICATIONS Industrial control and automation systems Smart sensors, precision instrumentation Base station systems, optical networking


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuC7124?is a fully integrated, 1 MSPS, 12-bit data acquisition system incorporating high performance multichannel ADCs, 16-bit/32-bit MCUs, and Flash/EE memory on a single chip.The ADC consists of up to 12 single-ended inputs. An additional two inputs are available but are multiplexed with the two DAC output pins. The ADC can operate in single-ended or differential input mode. The ADC input voltage range is 0 V to VREF. A low drift band gap reference, temperature sensor, and voltage comparator complete the ADC peripheral set.The DAC output range is programmable to one of three voltage ranges. The DAC outputs have an enhanced feature of being able to retain their output voltage during a watchdog or software reset sequence.The device operates from an on-chip oscillator and a PLL generating an internal high frequency clock of 41.78 MHz. This clock is routed through a programmable clock divider from which the MCU core clock operating frequency is generated. The microcontroller core is an ARM7TDMI?, 16-bit/32-bit RISC machine, which offers up to 41 MIPS of peak performance. Thirty-two kilobytes of SRAM and 126 kB of nonvolatile Flash/EE memory are provided on-chip. The ARM7TDMI core views all memory and registers as a single linear array.The ADuC7124 contains an advanced interrupt controller. The vectored interrupt controller (VIC) allows every interrupt to be assigned a priority level. It also supports nested interrupts to a maximum level of eight per IRQ and FIQ. When IRQ and FIQ interrupt sources are combined, a total of 16 nested interrupt levels are supported.On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit download via the UART serial interface port or the I2C port, while nonintrusive emulation is also supported via the JTAG interface. These features are incorporated into a low cost QuickStart? development system supporting this MicroConverter? family.The part contains a 16-bit PWM with six output signals.For communication purposes, the part contains 2? I2C channels that can be individually configured for master or slave mode. An SPI interface supporting both master and slave modes is also provided. Thirdly, 2? UART channels are provided. Each UART contains a configurable 16-bit FIFO with receive and transmit buffers.The part operates from 2.7 V to 3.6 V and is specified over an industrial temperature range of ?40?C to +125?C. When operating at 41.78 MHz, the power dissipation is typically 120 mW. The ADuC7124 is available in a 64-lead LFCSP package.APPLICATIONS Industrial control and automation systems Smart sensors, precision instrumentation Base station systems, optical networking Patient monitoring


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuC845, ADuC847, and ADuC848 are single-cycle,12.58 MIPs, 8052 core upgrades to the ADuC834 andADuC836. They include additional analog inputs forapplications requiring more ADC channels.The ADuC845, ADuC847, and ADuC848 are complete smarttransducer front ends. The family integrates high resolution?-? ADCs with flexible, up to 10-channel, input multiplexing, afast 8-bit MCU, and program and data Flash/EE memory on asingle chip.The ADuC845 includes two (primary and auxiliary) 24-bit ?-?ADCs with internal buffering and PGA on the primary ADC.The ADuC847 includes the same primary ADC as the ADuC845(auxiliary ADC removed). The ADuC848 is a 16-bit ADCversion of the ADuC847.The ADCs incorporate flexible input multiplexing, a temperaturesensor (ADuC845 only), and a PGA (primary ADC only)allowing direct measurement of low-level signals. The ADCsinclude on-chip digital filtering and programmable output datarates that are intended for measuring wide dynamic range andlow frequency signals, such as those in weigh scale, strain gage,pressure transducer, or temperature measurement applications.The devices operate from a 32 kHz crystal with an on-chip PLLgenerating a high frequency clock of 12.58 MHz. This clock isrouted through a programmable clock divider from which theMCU core clock operating frequency is generated. The microcontrollercore is an optimized single-cycle 8052 offering up to12.58 MIPs performance while maintaining 8051 instruction setcompatibility.The available nonvolatile Flash/EE program memory optionsare 62 kbytes, 32 kbytes, and 8 kbytes. 4 kbytes of nonvolatileFlash/EE data memory and 2304 bytes of data RAM are alsoprovided on-chip. The program memory can be configured asdata memory to give up to 60 kbytes of NV data memory indata logging applications.On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit serial downloadand debug modes (via UART), as well as single-pin emulationmode via the EA pin. The ADuC845, ADuC847, and ADuC848are supported by the QuickStart? development system featuringlow cost software and hardware development tools.Applications Multichannel sensor monitoring Industrial/environmental instrumentation Weigh scales, pressure sensors, temperature monitoring Portable instrumentation, battery-powered systems Data logging, precision system monitoring


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuC845, ADuC847, and ADuC848 are single-cycle,12.58 MIPs, 8052 core upgrades to the ADuC834 andADuC836. They include additional analog inputs forapplications requiring more ADC channels.The ADuC845, ADuC847, and ADuC848 are complete smarttransducer front ends. The family integrates high resolution?-? ADCs with flexible, up to 10-channel, input multiplexing, afast 8-bit MCU, and program and data Flash/EE memory on asingle chip.The ADuC845 includes two (primary and auxiliary) 24-bit ?-?ADCs with internal buffering and PGA on the primary ADC.The ADuC847 includes the same primary ADC as the ADuC845(auxiliary ADC removed). The ADuC848 is a 16-bit ADCversion of the ADuC847.The ADCs incorporate flexible input multiplexing, a temperaturesensor (ADuC845 only), and a PGA (primary ADC only)allowing direct measurement of low-level signals. The ADCsinclude on-chip digital filtering and programmable output datarates that are intended for measuring wide dynamic range andlow frequency signals, such as those in weigh scale, strain gage,pressure transducer, or temperature measurement applications.The devices operate from a 32 kHz crystal with an on-chip PLLgenerating a high frequency clock of 12.58 MHz. This clock isrouted through a programmable clock divider from which theMCU core clock operating frequency is generated. The microcontrollercore is an optimized single-cycle 8052 offering up to12.58 MIPs performance while maintaining 8051 instruction setcompatibility.The available nonvolatile Flash/EE program memory optionsare 62 kbytes, 32 kbytes, and 8 kbytes. 4 kbytes of nonvolatileFlash/EE data memory and 2304 bytes of data RAM are alsoprovided on-chip. The program memory can be configured asdata memory to give up to 60 kbytes of NV data memory indata logging applications.On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit serial downloadand debug modes (via UART), as well as single-pin emulationmode via the EA pin. The ADuC845, ADuC847, and ADuC848are supported by the QuickStart? development system featuringlow cost software and hardware development tools.Applications Multichannel sensor monitoring Industrial/environmental instrumentation Weigh scales, pressure sensors, temperature monitoring Portable instrumentation, battery-powered systems Data logging, precision system monitoring


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuCM410 is a fully integrated, single package device that includes high performance analog peripherals together with digital peripherals (controlled by a 160 MHz Arm? Cortex?-M33 processor) and integrated flash for code and data.The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on the ADuCM410 provides 16-bit, 2 MSPS data acquisition using up to 16 input pins that can be programmed for single-ended or differential operation with a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) or transimpedance amplifier (TIA) for voltage and current measurements. Additionally, the die temperature and supply voltages can be measured.The ADC input voltage is 0 V to VREF. A sequencer is provided that allows a user to select a set of ADC channels to be measured in sequence without software involvement during the sequence. The sequence can optionally repeat automatically at a user-selectable rate.Up to 12 channels of 12-bit voltage digital-to-analog converters (VDACs) are provided with output buffers supported.The ADuCM410 can be configured so that the digital and analog outputs retain their output voltages through a watchdog or software reset sequence. Therefore, a product can remain functional even while the ADuCM410 is resetting itself.The ADuCM410 has a low power Arm Cortex-M33 processor and a 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) machine that offers up to 240 MIPS peak performance with a floating-point unit (FPU). Also integrated are 2? 512 kB Flash/EE memories and 128 kB static random access memory (SRAM)?both with single-error correction (SEC) and double error detection (DED) error checking and correction (ECC). The flash comprises two separate 512 kB blocks supporting execution from one flash block and simultaneous writing and/or erasing of the other flash block.The ADuCM410 operates from an on-chip oscillator and has a phase-locked loop (PLL) of 160 MHz. This clock can optionally be divided down to reduce current consumption. Additional low power modes can be set via the ADuCM410 software.The device includes a management data input/output (MDIO) interface capable of operating up to 10 MHz. User programming is eased by incorporating physical address (PHYADR) and device address (DEVAD) hardware comparators. The nonerasable kernel code combined with flags in user flash allow user code to reliably switch between the two hardware independent flash blocks.The ADuCM410 integrates a range of on-chip peripherals that can be configured under software control, as required in the application. These peripherals include 2? universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART), 3? I2C, and 3? serial peripheral interface (SPI) serial input/output communication controllers, general-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs), 32-element programmable logic arrays (PLAs), five general-purpose timers, a wake-up timer (WUT), and a system watchdog timer (WDT). A 16-bit pulse-width modulation (PWM) with eight output channels is also provided.The GPIO pins (Px.x) power up in high impedance input mode. In output mode, the software chooses between open-drain mode and push/pull mode. The pull-up and pull-down resistors can be disabled and enabled in the software. The GPIO pins can be configured with different voltage levels according to the IOVDDx pin, such as 3.3 V, 1.8 V, and 1.2 V. In GPIO output mode, the inputs can remain enabled to monitor the GPIO pins. The GPIO pins can also be programmed to handle digital or analog peripheral signals, in which case, the pin characteristics are matched to the specific requirement.A large support ecosystem is available for the Arm Cortex-M33 processor to ease product development of the ADuCM410. Access is via the Arm serial wire debug port. On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit serial download via MDIO or I2C. These features are incorporated into a low cost, quick start development system supporting this precision analog microcontroller.Note that throughout this data sheet, multifunction pins, such as VDAC7/P4.2, are referred to either by the entire pin name or by a single function of the pin, for example, P4.2, when only that function is relevant.APPLICATIONS Optical networking 100 Gbps/200 Gbps/400 Gbps and higher frequency modules Industrial control, automation, and instrumentation systems


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM3070 isolator is a regulated dc-to-dc isolated power supply controller with an internal MOSFET driver. The dc-to-dc controller has an internal isolated PWM feedback from the secondary side based on the iCoupler? chip scale transformer technology and complete loop compensation. This eliminates the need to use an optocoupler for feedback and compensates the loop for stability.The ADuM3070 isolator provides a more stable output voltage and higher efficiency compared to unregulated isolated dc-to-dc power supplies. The fully integrated feedback and loop compensation in a small QSOP package provides a smaller form factor than any discrete solution. The regulated feedback provides a relatively flat efficiency curve over the full output power range. The ADuM3070 enables a dc-to-dc converter with a 3.3 V to 24 V isolated output voltage range from either a 5.0 V or a 3.3 V input voltage, with an output power of up to 2.5 W.APPLICATIONS Power supply startup bias and gate drives Isolated sensor interfaces Process controls


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM3165/ADuM31661 are USB 2.0 port isolators, utilizing Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler? technology to dynamically support all USB 2.0 data rates: low (1.5 Mbps), full (12 Mbps), or high (480 Mbps), as required. The devices support host isolation with automatic speed negotiation as well as peripheral isolation.High speed data is retimed for jitter reduction, requiring an external clock signal or crystal input. The ADuM3165 supports the clock or crystal input on the upstream side, and the ADuM3166 supports the clock or crystal input on the downstream side, offering two options to best suit the system design.The low power standby mode for downstream (Side 2) supports applications with limited available power, such as battery-operated peripherals. The upstream (Side 1) standby current meets USB 2.0 requirements for suspended operation.The isolators are specified over an extended industrial temperature range of ?55?C to +125?C and are available in a compact 20-lead shrink small outline package (SSOP) with 5.3 mm creepage and clearance.APPLICATIONS USB peripheral, USB host, and USB hub isolation Electronic test and measurement equipment Medical devices and integrated PCs Industrial PCs and isolated USB ports for debug or upgrade USB isolator modules and USB cable isolators1 Protected by U.S. Patents 5,952,849; 6,873,065; 6,903,578; and 7,075,329. Other patents are pending.


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM3190S is an isolated error amplifier based on Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler? technology. The ADuM3190S is ideal for linear feedback power supplies. The primary side controllers of the ADuM3190S enable improvements in transient response, power density, and stability as compared to commonly used optocoupler and shunt regulator solutions.Unlike optocoupler-based solutions, which have an uncertain current transfer ratio over lifetime and at high temperatures, the ADuM3190 transfer function does not change over its lifetime, and it is stable over a wide temperature range of ?55?C to +125?C.Included in the ADuM3190S is a wideband operational amplifier for a variety of commonly used power supply loop compensation techniques. The ADuM3190S is fast enough to allow a feedback loop to react to fast transient conditions and overcurrent conditions. Also included is a high accuracy 1.225 V reference to compare with the supply output setpoint.The ADuM3190S is packaged in a small 16-lead flatpack package for a 500 V rms isolation voltage rating.APPLICATIONS Linear power supplies Inverters Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) DOSA-compatible modules Voltage monitors


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM3220/ADuM32211 are isolated, 4A dual-channel gate drivers based on the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler?technology. Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic transformer technology, these isolation components provide outstandingperformance characteristics superior to the alternatives, such as the combination of pulse transformers and gate drivers.The ADuM3220/ADuM3221 provide digital isolation in two independent isolation channels. They have a maximum propagationdelay of 60 ns and 5 ns channel-to-channel matching. In comparison to gate drivers that employ high voltage level translationmethodologies, the ADuM3220/ADuM3221 offer the benefit of true, galvanic isolation between the input and each output,enabling voltage translation across the isolation barrier. The ADuM3220 has shoot-through protection logic, which preventsboth outputs from being on at the same time, whereas the ADuM3221 allows both outputs to be on at the same time. Both partsoffer a default output low characteristic as required for gate drive applications.The ADuM3220/ADuM3221 operate with an input supply voltage ranging from 3.0 V to 5.5 V, providing compatibility with lowervoltage systems. The outputs of the ADuM3220A/ADuM3221A can be operated at supply voltages from 4.5 V to 18 V. The outputs ofthe ADuM3220B/ADuM3221B can be operated at supply voltages from 7.6 V to 18 V.The junction temperature of the ADuM3220/ADuM3221 is specified from ?40?C to +125?C.Applications Isolated synchronous dc-to-dc converters MOSFET/IGBT gate drivers


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM4070 is a regulated DC/DC isolated power supply controller with an internal MOSFET driver. The DC/DC controller has an internal isolated PWM feedback from the secondary side based on the?iCoupler? chip scale transformer technology and complete loop compensation. This eliminates the need to use an optocoupler for feedback and compensates the loop for stability.The ADuM4070 isolator provides a more stable output voltage and higher efficiency compared to unregulated isolated DC/DC jpower supplies. The fully integrated feedback and loop compensation in a wide-body SOIC package provide a smaller form factor and 8.3 mm creepage distance solution. The regulated feedback provides a relatively flat efficiency curve over the full output power range. The ADuM3070 enables a DC/DC converter with a 3.3 V to 24 V isolated output voltage range from either a 5.0 V or a 3.3 V input voltage, with an output power of up to 2.5 W.Applications Power supply startup bias and gate drives Isolated sensor interfaces Process controls


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM4138 is a single-channel gate driver optimized for driving insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler? technology provides isolation between the input signal and the output gate drive.The Analog Devices chip scale transformers also provide isolated communication of control information between the high voltage?and low voltage domains of the chip. Information on the status of the chip can be read back from the dedicated outputs. The ADuM4138 includes an isolated flyback controller, allowing simple secondary voltage generation.Overcurrent detection is integrated in the ADuM4138 to protect the IGBT in case of desaturation and/or overcurrent events. The overcurrent detection is coupled with a high speed, two-level turn off function in case of faults.The ADuM4138 provides a Miller clamp control signal for a metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) to provide IGBT turn off, with a single rail supply when the Miller clamp voltage threshold drops below 2 V (typical) above GND2. Operation with unipolar secondary supplies is possible with or without the Miller clamp operation.A low gate voltage detection circuit can trigger a fault if the gate voltage does not rise above the internal threshold within the time allowed after turn on (12.8 ?s typical). The low voltage detection circuit detects IGBT device failures that exhibit gate shorts or other causes of weak drive.Two temperature sensor pins, TS1 and TS2, allow isolated monitoring of system temperatures at the IGBTs. The secondary undervoltage lockout (UVLO) is set to 11.2 V (typical) in accordance with common IGBT threshold levels.A serial peripheral interface (SPI) bus on the primary side of the device provides in field programming of temperature sensing diode gains and offsets to the ADuM4138. Values are stored on an electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) located on the secondary side of the device. In addition, programming is available for specific VDD2 voltages, temperature sensing reporting frequencies, and overcurrent blanking times.The ADuM4138 provides isolated fault reporting for overcurrent events, remote temperature overheating events, UVLO, thermal shutdown (TSD), and desaturation detection.Applications MOSFET and IGBT gate drivers Photovoltaic (PV) inverters Motor drives Power supplies


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM4146 is a single-channel gate driver specifically optimized for driving silicon carbide (SiC), metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs). Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler? technology provides isolation between the input signal and the output gate drive.The ADuM4146 includes a Miller clamp to provide robust SiC turn off with a single-rail supply when the gate voltage drops to less than 2 V. Operation with unipolar or bipolar secondary supplies is possible with or without the Miller clamp operation.The Analog Devices chip scale transformers also provide isolated communication of control information between the high voltage and low voltage domains of the chip. Information on the status of the chip can be read back from dedicated outputs. Control of resetting the device after a fault on the secondary side is performed on the primary side of the device.Integrated onto the ADuM4146 is a desaturation detection circuit that provides protection against high voltage short-circuit SiC operation. The desaturation protection contains noise reducing features, such as a 300 ns masking time after a switching event to mask voltage spikes due to initial turn on (see Figure 17 in the data sheet). An optional internal 500 ?A current source allows low device count, and the internal blanking switch allows the addition of an external current source if more noise immunity is needed.The secondary undervoltage lockout (UVLO) is set to 14.5 V (typical) for Grade A and is set to 11.5 V (typical) for Grade B and Grade C with common SiC and insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) levels taken into consideration. APPLICATIONS SiC/MOSFET/IGBT gate drivers Photovoltaic (PV) inverters Motor drives Power supplies


Analog Devices Inc.
The ADuM4146 is a single-channel gate driver specifically optimized for driving silicon carbide (SiC), metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs). Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler? technology provides isolation between the input signal and the output gate drive.The ADuM4146 includes a Miller clamp to provide robust SiC turn off with a single-rail supply when the gate voltage drops to less than 2 V. Operation with unipolar or bipolar secondary supplies is possible with or without the Miller clamp operation.The Analog Devices chip scale transformers also provide isolated communication of control information between the high voltage and low voltage domains of the chip. Information on the status of the chip can be read back from dedicated outputs. Control of resetting the device after a fault on the secondary side is performed on the primary side of the device.Integrated onto the ADuM4146 is a desaturation detection circuit that provides protection against high voltage short-circuit SiC operation. The desaturation protection contains noise reducing features, such as a 300 ns masking time after a switching event to mask voltage spikes due to initial turn on (see Figure 17 in the data sheet). An optional internal 500 ?A current source allows low device count, and the internal blanking switch allows the addition of an external current source if more noise immunity is needed.The secondary undervoltage lockout (UVLO) is set to 14.5 V (typical) for Grade A and is set to 11.5 V (typical) for Grade B and Grade C with common SiC and insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) levels taken into consideration. APPLICATIONS SiC/MOSFET/IGBT gate drivers Photovoltaic (PV) inverters Motor drives Power supplies


Analog Devices Inc.
The LTC3789 is a high performance buck-boost switching regulator controller that operates from input voltages above, below or equal to the output voltage. The constant-frequency, current mode architecture allows a phase-lockable frequency of up to 600kHz, while an output current feedback loop provides support for battery charging. With a wide 4V to 38V (40V maximum) input and output range and seamless, low noise transitions between operating regions, the LTC3789 is ideal for automotive, telecom and battery-powered systems.The operating mode of the controller is determined through the MODE/PLLIN pin. The MODE/PLLIN pin can select between pulse-skipping mode and forced continuous mode operation and allows the IC to be synchronized to an external clock. Pulse-skipping mode offers high efficiency and low ripple at light loads, while forced continuous mode operates at a constant frequency for noise-sensitive applications.A PGOOD pin indicates when the output is within 10% of its designed set point. The LTC3789 is available in low profile 28-pin 4mm ? 5mm QFN and narrow SSOP packages.Applications Automotive Systems Distributed DC Power Systems High Power Battery-Operated Devices Industrial Control


Analog Devices Inc.
The LTC3106 is a highly integrated, ultralow voltage buck-boost DC/DC converter with automatic PowerPath management optimized for multisource, low power systems. At no load, the LTC3106 draws only 1.6?A while creating an output voltage up to 5V from either input source.If the primary power source is unavailable, the LTC3106 seamlessly switches to the backup power source. The LTC3106 is compatible with either rechargeable or primary cell batteries and can trickle charge a backup battery whenever there is an energy surplus available. Optional maximum power point control ensures power transfer is optimized between power source and load. The output voltage and backup voltage, VSTORE, are programmed digitally, reducing the required number of external components. Zero power Shelf Mode ensures that the backup battery will remain charged if left connected to the LTC3106 for an extended time.Additional features include an accurate turn-on voltage, a power good indicator for VOUT, a user selectable 100mA peak current limit setting for lower power applications, thermal shutdown as well as user selectable backup power and output voltages.Applications Wireless Sensor Networks Home or Office Building Automation Energy Harvesting Remote Sensors


Analog Devices Inc.
The LTM8005 is a 38VIN, 38VOUT boost ?Module (powermicromodule) LED driver designed to regulate current orvoltage and is ideal for driving LEDs. The fixed frequencyand current mode architecture result in stable operationover a wide range of supply and output voltages. Spreadspectrum frequency modulation (SSFM) can be activatedfor improved electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performance.The ground-referred voltage FB pin serves as theinput for several LED protection features, and also allows theconverter to operate as a constant voltage source. The PWMinput provides LED dimming ratios of up to 3000:1, and theCTRL inputs provide additional analog dimming capability.The low profile package enables utilization of unusedspace on the bottom of PC boards. The LTM8005 is packagedin thermally enhanced, compact over-molded BallGrid Array (BGA) package suitable for automated assemblyby standard surface mount equipment. The LTM8005is RoHS compliant.APPLICATIONS High Power LED, High Voltage LED Accurate Current-Limited Voltage Regulators


Analog Devices Inc.
The LTC1643A is a Hot Swap? controller that allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live PCI-Bus slot. Two external N-channel transistors control the 3.3V and 5V supplies while on-chip switches control the ?12V and 12V supplies. All supply voltages can be ramped up at a programmable rate. An electronic circuit breaker protects all four supplies against overcurrent faults. The foldback current limit feature limits current spikes and power dissipation when shorts occur and allows boards with large capacitances to be powered up without tripping the circuit breaker. The PWRGD output indicates when all of the supply voltages are within tolerance and the FAULT output indicates an overcurrent condition. The ON(LTC1643AH)/ON (LTC1643AL/ LTC1643AL-1) pin is used to cycle the board power or reset the circuit breaker. The LTC1643AL-1 has the ?12V power good comparators disabled.The LTC1643A is available in a 16-pin narrow SSOP package.Applications PCI-Based Servers CompactPCI Compliant Boards

LTM4630A Demo Board | Dual 18A or Single 36A μModule Regulator

Analog Devices Inc.
Demonstration circuit 2268A-F is a high efficiency, high density, dual 8A, switch mode step-down power supply on a compact 1.5' × 1.2' PCB. It features the LTM4630A μModule® regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 15V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 5.3V. DC2268A-F can deliver up to 18A maximum in each channel. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. The board operates in continuous conduction mode in heavy load conditions. For high efficiency at low load currents, the resistor jumper (R1/R2) selects pulse-skipping mode for noise sensitive applications or Burst-Mode® in less noise sensitive applications. Two outputs can be connected in parallel for a single 36A output solution with optional jumper resistors. The board allows the user to program how its output ramps up and down through the TRACK/SS pin. Remote output voltage sensing is available for improved output voltage regulation at the load point. An optional input inductor L1 reduces the EMI noise for noise sensitive applications. DC2268A can be easily inserted to an edge connector for testing and debugging. These features and the availability of the LTM4630A in a compact 16mm × 16mm × 4.41mm LGA package make it ideal for use in many high-density point-of-load regulation applications. The LTM4630A data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for working on or modifying the DC2268A-F.

SmartMesh IP USB Access Point Mote

Analog Devices Inc.
The DC2274A-B USB dongle demo board which serves as an Access Point Mote, connecting a SmartMesh IP™ wireless sensor network with a VManager network manager. VManager is a software-based manager that enables: Large Networks – thousands of nodes Increased Bandwidth through Multiple Access Points Hot Failover Gateway Redundancy The DC2274A-B SmartMesh IP USB Manager incorporates the LTP5902-IPM SmartMesh IP Module, pre-programmed with SmartMesh IP Access Point Mote software. It provides a USB connection for both power and software access to the Access Point Mote API UART and CLI UART ports.The DC2274A-B is available individually or as part of the DC9021B SmartMesh IP Starter Kit, which includes five wireless mesh nodes. With a SmartMesh IP Starter Kit, a user can setup a wireless mesh network in minutes and quickly evaluate the network performance in their own application environment.


Analog Devices Inc.
The LT8331 is a current mode DC/DC converter with a 140V, 0.5A switch operating from a 4.5V to 100V input. With a unique single feedback pin architecture, it is capable of boost, SEPIC, flyback or inverting configurations. Burst Mode operation consumes as low as 6?A quiescent current to maintain high efficiency at very low output currents, while keeping typical output ripple below 20mV.The internally-compensated current mode architecture results in stable operation over a wide range of input and output voltages and programmable switching frequencies between 100kHz to 500kHz. A SYNC/MODE pin allows synchronization to an external clock. It can also be used to select between burst or pulse-skipping modes of operation. For increased efficiency, a BIAS pin can accept a second input to supply the INTVCC regulator. Additional features include frequency foldback and programmable soft-start for controlling inductor current during start-up.The LT8331 is available in a thermally-enhanced MSOP package with four pins removed for high voltage spacings.Applications Industrial and Automotive Telecom Medical Diagnostic Equipment Portable Electronics

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Analog Devices Inc.

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