The AD6688-3000EBZ supports the AD6688-3000, a 14-bit, 3GSPS dual analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The device has an on-chip buffer and a sample-and-hold circuit designed for low power, small size, and ease of use. This device is designed support direct RF sampling analog signals of up to 5 GHz. The 3 dB bandwidth of the ADC input is greater than 9 GHz. The AD6688 is optimized for wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, excellent linearity, and low power in a small package. This reference design provides all of the support circuitry required to operate the ADC in its various modes and configurations. It is designed to interface directly with the ADS7-V2EBZ data capture card, allowing users to download captured data for analysis. The device control and subsequent data analyses can now be done using the ACE software package.
Part number: AD6688-3000EBZ
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