Analog Devices Inc.


The ADL5502 is a mean-responding (true rms) power detector incombination with an envelope detector to accurately determinethe crest factor of a modulated signal. It can be used in highfrequency receiver and transmitter signal chains from 450 MHzto 6 GHz with envelope bandwidths over 10 MHz. Requiringonly a single supply between 2.5 V and 3.3 V, the detector drawsless than 3 mA. The input is internally ac-coupled and has anominal input impedance of 500 ?.The rms output is a linear-responding dc voltage with aconversion gain of 1.8 V/V rms at 900 MHz. The peak envelopeoutput with a conversion gain of 1.2 V/V is toggledfor peak hold with less than 1% output voltage droop in over 1 ms.The ADL5502 is a highly accurate, easy to use means ofdetermining the rms and peak to the average value of complex waveforms.It can be used for crest factor measurements of both simple andcomplex waveforms but is particularly useful for measuringhigh crest factor (high peak-to-rms ratio) signals, such as W-CDMA,CDMA2000, and QPSK-/QAM-based OFDMwaveforms. The peak hold function allows the capture of shortpeaks in the envelope with lower sampling rate ADC?s.The crest factor detector operates from ?40?C to +85?C and isavailable in an 8-ball, 1.5 mm ? 1.5 mm wafer-level chip scalepackage. It is fabricated on a high fT silicon BiCMOS process.ApplicationsPower and envelope measurement of W-CDMA, CDMA2000,and QPSK-/QAM-based OFDM, and other complex modulation waveformsRF transmitter or receiver power and envelope measurement


Part number: ADL5502-EVALZ

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