
The LT5568-2 is a direct I/Q modulator designed for high performance wireless applications, including wireless infrastructure. It allows direct modulation of an RF signal using differential baseband I and Q signals. It supports GSM, EDGE, CDMA, CDMA2000 and other systems that operate in the 850MHz to 965MHz band. It may be configured as an image reject upconverting mixer, by applying 90? phase-shifted signals to the I and Q inputs. The I/Q baseband inputs consist of voltage-to-current converters that in turn drive double-balanced mixers. The outputs of these mixers are summed and applied to an on-chip RF transformer, which converts the differential mixer signals to a 50? single-ended output. The four balanced I and Q baseband input ports are intended for DC coupling from a source with a common mode voltage level of about 0.5V. The LO path consists of an LO buffer with single-ended input, and precision quadrature generators that produce the LO drive for the mixers. The supply voltage range is 4.5V to 5.25V.Applications Infrastructure Tx for GSM/Cellular Bands Image Reject Up-Converters for Cellular Bands Low-Noise Variable Phase-Shifter for 700MHz to 1050MHz Local Oscillator Signals RFID Reader


Part number: DC1178A

More details from Analog Devices Inc.