The LTC1520 is a high speed, precision differential line receiver that can operate at data rates as high as 50Mbps. A unique architecture provides very stable propagation delays and low skew over a wide input common mode, input overdrive and ambient temperature range. Propagation delay is 18ns ?3ns, while typically tPLH/tPHL skew is 500ps and channel-to-channel skew is 400ps.Each receiver translates differential input levels (VID ? 100mV) into valid CMOS and TTL output levels. Its high input resistance (?18k) allows many receivers to be connected to the same driver. The receiver outputs go into a high impedance state when disabled.Protection features include thermal shutdown and a controlled maximum short-circuit current (50mA max) that does not oscillate in and out of short-circuit mode. Input resistance remains ?18k when the device is unpowered or disabled, thus allowing the LTC1520 to be hot swapped into a backplane without loading the data lines.The LTC1520 operates from a single 5V supply and draws 12mA of supply current. The part is available in a 16-lead narrow SO package.Applications High Speed Backplane Interface Line Collision Detector PECL and LVDS Line Receivers Level Translator Ring Oscillator Tapped Delay Line
Part number: DC126A
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