The LT3089 is an 800mA low dropout linear regulator designed for rugged industrial applications. Key features of the IC are the extended safe operating area (SOA), output current monitor, temperature monitor and programmable current limit. The LT3089 can be paralleled for higher output current or heat spreading. The device withstands reverse input and reverse output-to-input voltages without reverse current flow.The LT3089?s precision 50?A reference current source allows a single resistor to program output voltage to any level between zero and 34.5V. The current reference architecture enables load regulation to be independent of output voltage. The LT3089 is stable with or without input and output capacitors.The output current monitor (IOUT/5000) and die junction temperature output (1?A/?C) provide system monitoring and debug capability. In addition, a single resistor programs current limit.Internal protection circuitry includes reverse-battery and reverse-current protection, current limiting and thermal limiting. The LT3089 is offered in the 12-lead 4mm ? 4mm DFN and 16-lead TSSOP (both with exposed pad for improved thermal performance), and 7-lead DD-Pak power package.Applications All Surface Mount Power Supply Rugged Industrial Power Supply Post Regulator for Switching Supplies Low Output Voltage Supply Intrinsic Safety Applications
Part number: DC2318A
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