The AD5544/AD5554 quad, 16-/14-bit, current output, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) are designed to operate from 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply range.The applied external reference input voltage (VREFX) determines the full-scale output current. Integrated feedback resistors (RFB) provide temperature-tracking, full-scale voltage outputs when combined with an external I-to-V precision amplifier.A double-buffered serial data interface offers high speed, 3-wire, SPI- and microcontroller-compatible inputs using serial data in (SDI), a chip select (CS), and clock (CLK) signals. In addition, a serial data out pin (SDO) allows for daisy-chaining when multiple packages are used. A common, level-sensitive, load DAC strobe (LDAC) input allows the simultaneous update of all DAC outputs from previously loaded input registers. Additionally, an internal power-on reset forces the output voltage to 0 at system turn-on. An MSB pin allows system reset assertion (RS) to force all registers to zero code when MSB = 0, or to half-scale code when MSB = 1.The AD5544 is packaged in the compact 28-lead SSOP and 32-lead LFCSP. ?The AD5554 is ?packaged in the compact 28-lead SSOP.Applications Automatic test equipment Instrumentation Digitally controlled calibration
Part number: EV-AD5544/45SDZ
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