The AD5243 and AD5248 provide a compact 3 mm ? 4.9 mmpackaged solution for dual, 256-position adjustment applications.The AD5243 performs the same electronic adjustment functionas a 3-terminal mechanical potentiometer, and the AD5248performs the same adjustment function as a 2-terminal variableresistor. Available in four end-to-end resistance values (2.5 k?,10 k?, 50 k?, and 100 k?), these low temperature coefficientdevices are ideal for high accuracy and stability-variableresistance adjustments. The wiper settings are controllablethrough the I2C-compatible digital interface. The AD5248 hasextra package address decode pins, AD0 and AD1, allowingmultiple parts to share the same I2C, 2-wire bus on a PCB. Theresistance between the wiper and either endpoint of the fixedresistor varies linearly with respect to the digital code transferred into the RDAC latch. (The terms digital potentiometer, VR,and RDAC are used interchangeably.)Operating from a 2.7 V to 5.5 V power supply and consumingless than 6 ?A allows the AD5243/AD5248 to be used inportable battery-operated applications.For applications that program the AD5243/AD5248 at thefactory, Analog Devices, Inc., offers device programmingsoftware running on Windows? NT/2000/XP operating systems.This software effectively replaces the need for external I2Ccontrollers, which in turn enhances the time to market ofsystems. An AD5243/AD5248 evaluation kit and software areavailable. The kit includes a cable and instruction manual.Applications Systems calibrations Electronics level settings Mechanical trimmers replacement in new designs Permanent factory printed circuit board (PCB) setting Transducer adjustment of pressure, temperature, position, chemical, and optical sensors RF amplifier biasing Gain control and offset adjustment
Part number: EVAL-AD5243SDZ
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