The AD7626 is a 16-bit, 10 MSPS, charge redistributionsuccessive approximation register (SAR) based architectureanalog-to-digital converter (ADC). SAR architecture allowsunmatched performance both in noise (91.5 dB SNR) and inlinearity (?0.45 LSB INL). The AD7626 contains a high speed,16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, and aninternal buffered reference. On the CNV edge, it samples thevoltage difference between the IN+ and IN? pins. The voltageson these pins swing in opposite phase between 0 V and REF.The 4.096 V reference voltage, REF, can be generated internallyor applied externally.All converted results are available on a single low voltagedifferential signaling (LVDS) self clocked or echoed clock serialinterface, reducing external hardware connections.The AD7626 is housed in a 32-lead, 5 mm ? 5 mm LFCSP withoperation specified from ?40?C to +85?C.Applications Digital imaging systems ??Digital X-ray ??Digital MRI ? CCD and IR cameras High speed data acquisition High dynamic range telecommunications receivers Spectrum analysis Test equipment
Part number: EVAL-AD7626FMCZ
More details from Analog Devices Inc.