The ADAU1966 is a high performance, single-chip DAC thatprovides 16 digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with differentialoutput using the Analog Devices, Inc., patented multibitsigma-delta (?-?) architecture. An SPI/I2C port is included,allowing a microcontroller to adjust volume and many otherparameters. The ADAU1966 operates from 2.5 V digital, 5 Vanalog and 3.3 V or 5 V input/output supplies. A linear regulatoris included to generate the digital supply voltage from the analogsupply voltage. The ADAU1966 is available in an 80-lead LQFPpackage.The ADAU1966 is designed for low EMI. This consideration isapparent in both the system and circuit design architectures.By using the on-board PLL to derive the internal master clockfrom an external LRCLK, the ADAU1966 can eliminate theneed for a separate high frequency master clock and can beused with or without a bit clock. The DACs are designed usingthe latest Analog Devices continuous time architectures tofurther minimize EMI. By using 2.5 V digital supplies, powerconsumption is minimized, and the digital waveforms are asmaller amplitude, further reducing emissions. Applications Automotive audio systems Home theater systems Digital audio effects processors
Part number: EVAL-ADAU1966Z
More details from Analog Devices Inc.