The DS1089L is a clock generator that produces a spread spectrum (dithered) square-wave output of frequencies from 130kHz to 66.6MHz. The DS1089L is shipped from the factory programmed at a specific frequency. The DS1089L is pin-for-pin compatible with the DS1087L, however, the DS1089L dithers at equal percentages above and below the center frequency. The user still has access to the internal frequency divider, selectable ±1%, ±2%, ±4%, or ±8% dithered output, dithering rate, and programmable output powerdown/disable mode through an I²C-compatible programming interface. All the device settings are stored in nonvolatile (NV) EEPROM allowing it to operate in stand-alone applications. The DS1089L also has power-down and output-enable control pins for power-sensitive applications.ApplicationsCable ModemsComputer PeripheralsCopiersPOS TerminalsPrinters