
Part Number: BBONE-BLACK-4G


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey BBB01-SC-505-ND 412 $76.25 Buy
Newark BBONE-BLACK-4G 1320 $54.03 Buy
element14 APAC BBONE-BLACK-4G 2515 * $51.10 Buy
Farnell BBONE-BLACK-4G 599 * $50.12 Buy

BBONE-BLACK-4G is the element14 BeagleBone Black development kit for developers and the avid hobbyist. It is a lower cost, high expansion focused BeagleBoard using a low cost Sitara AM3358BZCZ100 Cortex A8 ARM processor from Texas Instruments. The board boots Linux in under 10sec and the user can get started on development in less than 5min with just a single USB cable. It is similar to the Beaglebone, but with some features removed and some features added.

  • USB client for power and communications
  • 2 x 46 pin headers
  • USB host
  • Ethernet and HDMI interface
  • 512MB DDR3 RAM
  • 4GB 8bit eMMC on board flash storage
  • Optional on board 20 pin CTI JTAG, serial header
  • Most BeagleBone capes are cross compatible
