The Texas Instruments low-frequency transponder technology provides the possibility to use the TMS37157 (PaLFI) IC in combination with various antennas to meet application performance requirements.
For cost optimization purposes off the shelf antennas can be used from various coil manufacturers.
This application report describes the performance measured with the antennas available fro
The purpose of this application report is to give a general understanding of the J1708 recommendedpractice (SAE J1708) and the DS36277 transceiver that is optimized for use with Society of AutomotiveEngineers (SAE) J1708.Additionally this document explains the significant differences between theDS36277 and a standard RS-485 transceiver the DS75176B.
Sometimes it is useful to be able to define named constants that can be used in both C and assembly language. One method is to have separate header files that define the same symbols: a C include file with #define directives and an assembler include file with .set or .asg directives. The procedure shown in this document produces a single shared header file that defines the symbols once f
This document discusses the characteristics of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals and different front-endapproaches for ECG signal acquisition. The tradeoffs between different approaches and the effects on overall system design are discussed. The report also includes descriptions of potential implementations of the front-end architecture using the ADS1258 and ADS1278 and respective noise measuremen
TI codec software was traditionally run on a DSP which had DSP/BIOS™ software kernel foundation as an operating system. With the new range of upcoming SOCs where the architecture is getting more hardware accelerator centric the use of digital signal processing (DSP) is reduced. The codec can operate directly from the main processor which also hosts the primary operating system. Theref
This document describes how to debug TMS470R1x application software using the internal RAM. Examples are shown using the SE470R1VB8AD system emulation device (F05 technology). The second section gives some details on the memory setup and the memory allocation and methods for debugging using internal RAM are described in the third section.
This document does not describe the bootloading of app
The TMS320C62x? and the TMS320C64? DSPs are well suited for high-performance applications such as image and video decoding. Efficient implementation of core decoding steps such as inverse discrete cosine transform (DCT) variable-length decoding dequantization and motion compensation is essential for achieving the best possible performance. This application report focuses on optimized implementa
This application report describes a low-cost single-phase electricity meter design using the MSP430C11x to achieve analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) self-calibration and anti-tampering protection.