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Application Notes from Texas Instruments

Reduction of Power Consumption for TMS570LS3137

Texas Instruments
This application report describes methods to reduce the power consumption of the Hercules™-based microcontrollers and gives indications for the reduction that can be achieved.

All examples and values are based on the TMX570LS3137BZWT microcontroller and are measured on the TI internal silicon checkout board.

Measurement Notes

The measurements were done on non-production sil

Double The Output Current To A Load With The Dual OPA2604 Audio Op Amp

Texas Instruments
Headphones typically have an impedance of 40Ω to 300Ω. By using the dual OPA2604 and four resistors one can economically drive a 2.8V peak signal into the 40Ω headphones.

CC430 RF Examples (Rev. C)

Texas Instruments
This application report describes the library components and implementation of the RF code examples for the CC430F61xx and CC430F51xx sub-1GHz system-on-chip (SoC) devices. The examples include support for packet-handling modes including variable and fixed length filtering as well as the asynchronous and synchronous modes of communication. The document also explains the key RF configuration regi

Extended Precision IIR Filter Design on the TMS320C54x

Texas Instruments
This paper presents methods of achieving a good compromise in accuracy when carrying out extended-precision multiplications for the implementation of IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filters.The 'C54x devices are 16-bit fixed-point processors and have several features that help to perform extended-precision computation efficiently.

ESR, Stability, and the LDO Regulator

Texas Instruments
Choosing an output capacitor for LDO regulators with PNP or PMOS pass element can be difficult to specific ESR requirements. This application note explains why higher ESR capacitors are necessary, how

AN-1820 LM5032 Interleaved Boost Converter (Rev. A)

Texas Instruments
The LM5032 dual current mode PWM controller contains all the features needed to control an interleavedboost converter. The two outputs operate 180° out of phase and have separate current limit inputs foreach channel. In addition to a high input voltage range the controller contains all the auxiliary featuresneeded to control a complete converter.

TVP7000EVM Quick Start Guide

Texas Instruments
TVP7000EVM Quick Start Guide

TMS320TCI6484 and TMS320C6457 SERDES Implementation Guidelines (Rev. A)

Texas Instruments
This document contains implementation instructions for the two serializer/deserializer-based interfaces (SerDes) on the TMS320TCI6484 and TMS320C6457 DSP devices: <ul> <li>Serial RapidIO® (SRIO)

PowerFLEX (TM) -- Surface-Mount Alternative for Through-Hole Power Packages

Texas Instruments
The Texas Instruments (TI) PowerFLEX family of voltage regulators offers surface-mount packages with high thermal-dissipation capability that can be mounted using standard techniques and equipment. This application report addresses power dissipation characteristics footprint sizes and land patterns; provides mechanical dimensions and tape-and-reel packing information; and illustrates solder-join

AN-1603 LM274X Reference Designs (Rev. C)

Texas Instruments
This application note presents several reference designs that implement the LM274X synchronous buckcontroller. The designs address various applications in a wide variety of configurations. The designreference will give an engineer a head start on their project with designs encompassing sequencingtracking synchronizing multiple power supplies DDR termination buck-boost low PCB real esta

TMS320C620x/TMS3206701 DMA and CPU: Data Access Performance (Rev. A)

Texas Instruments
In a real-time system data flow is important to understand and control to achieve high performance. By analyzing the timing characteristics for accessing data and switching between data requestors it is possible to maximize the achievable bandwidth in any system. This application note provides relevant information for TMS320C62x devices (such as the C6201(B) C6202(B) C6203 C6204 C6205 and C

EDI's x32 MCM-L SRAM Family: Integrated Memory Solution for TMS320C3x DSPs

Texas Instruments
Memory modules have long been a system designer's trump card. Modules, in addition to the traditional space savings, allow ease of implementation, known operating performance, flexible density options

Interfacing Two Analog Interface Circuits to One TMS320C5x Serial Port

Texas Instruments
In some cases such as wireless communications applications a system requires two communication channels but only one serial port is available. This document shows how to multiplex this port and how to interface two analog lines. There is a schematic and an example of code is given. The analog interface circuits (AICs) chosen for this solution were purposely selected to address as many potential

High Speed Amplifier PCB Layout Tips

Texas Instruments
High-speed op amp circuit design requires special attention. This application brief presents some tips for PCB layout.

Interfacing the TLV320AIC12/13/14/15 Codec to the TMS320C5402? DSP

Texas Instruments
This application report presents the process of interfacing of the TLV320AIC12/13/14/15 voice-band codec with the TMS320C5402? DSP. It presents the hardware configuration and the software driver for a two-device cascade (single master and single slave) configuration mode. The design can be considered as an application example a test tool or a startup platform for developing and using the codec

Calculating and Optimizing Efficiency in LCD Backlight Drivers

Texas Instruments
Backlight displays have become the largest power consumer in mobile devices and personal electronics.When selecting components for an LED driver efficiency is the most important consideration. The fivemain backlight driver components that generate the most power loss include: the boost inductor switchingFET Schottky diode quiescent current and headroom voltage. This application note wil

Schottky Diode Selection in Asynchronous Boost Converters

Texas Instruments
Asynchronous boost converters require a Schottky diode as the rectifying element due to the diode's lowforward voltage and fast turn-on time. Because of these characteristics asynchronous boost converterscan have as good as or better efficiency than synchronous boost converters. This is especially true whenthe boost conversion ratios (VOUT/VIN) are high and the Schottky diode conduction t

Wireless Motion Detector With Sub-1 GHz SimpleLink Wireless MCU

Texas Instruments

This application note discusses the main challenges related to wireless motion detector design and how they are addressed by the SimpleLink Sub-1 GHz CC1310 and SimpleLink Dual-band CC1350 wireless MCUs. First, the application note gives a short overview of a wireless motion detector. Then the application report discusses the wireless technology requirements which must be met to support motion detector use cases and explains why Sub-1 GHz technology is an excellent fit.

This application note explains how to build the system based on the SimpleLink CC1310 Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU or the SimpleLink CC1350 dual-band wireless MCU, with focus on low power, networking, and cloud connectivity, as well as Sub-1 GHz and Bluetooth low energy use cases. The document concludes by describing a potential use case, including its state machine and power consumption analysis.

Thermocouple Temperature Measurements Using Isolated Amplifiers (Rev. A)

Texas Instruments

The most common thermocouple in use today is the Type K. A Type-K thermocouple is inexpensive, accurate, and works reliably in harsh environments. Type-K thermocouples can measure temperatures ranging from –200°C to +1250°C and have a Seebeck coefficient of S = 41 μV/K at room temperature.

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