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Application Notes from Texas Instruments

AN-245 Applications of the ADC1210 CMOS A/D Converter

Texas Instruments
AN-245 Applications of the ADC1210 CMOS A/D Converter

Boost DC/DC with Ultra-Low Shutdown Current (Rev. A)

Texas Instruments
This reference design is presented to help application designers and others who are trying to use the MSP430 in a system that requires a very low input voltage range while also maintaining high effici

Migrating from the MSP430F5xx,F6xx Family to the MSP430FR58xx/FR59xx/68xx Family (Rev. B)

Texas Instruments

This application report helps enable easy migration from MSP430F5xx and MSP430F6xx flash-based MCUs to the MSP430FR58xx/FR59xx/68xx/69xx FRAM-based MCUs.

Design Considerations for LM5113 Advanced eGaN FET Driver at High Frequency Operation

Texas Instruments

The LM5113 device is designed to drive the high-side and low-side enhancement mode Gallium Nitride (GaN) FETs in a half-bridge configuration. The floating high-side gate is capable of driving enhancement mode GaN FETs up to 100 V. Used with the DSBGA package the LM5113 device is especially suited for high-frequency operation. Care must be taken at high-frequency operation to ensure that adequate thermal design tolerance is present for the worst-case driver power dissipation. Furthermore, a good understanding of the driver losses for different load mechanisms is very helpful in estimating the on die power loss in the GaN driver. This application report demonstrates the operation of LM5113 device at high-frequency for hard-switching and soft-switching applications. It also provides an estimate of the losses in the driver based on calculations and an analytical approach.

ESD and RF Mitigation in Handheld Battery Pack Electronics

Texas Instruments
It is imperative to protect the electronics in a consumer-removable battery pack from ESD damage. Even an upset without permanent damage may be unacceptable to the end-user. Handheld equipment that contains a transmitter also may require protection to guard against improper measurement and/or upset due to the affect of the radio frequency (RF) on the circuitry. Because the RF field strength varies

Using The DRV3202-Q1EVM To Evaluate The DRV3211-Q1

Texas Instruments
Using The DRV3202-Q1EVM To Evaluate The DRV3211-Q1

Flashlight & Movie-Light Supplies Using TPS61058 & TPS61059 Sync Boost Converter

Texas Instruments
Flashlight and Movie-Light Supplies Using TPS61058 and TPS61059 Synchronous Boost Converter

U-165 Design Rvw: Isolated 50 W Flyback Converter Using UCC3809 and UC3965

Texas Instruments
The flyback power stage is a popular choice for single and multiple output DC-to-DC converters at power levels of 150W or less. Without the output inductor required in buck-derived topologies such as the forward or push-pull converter the component count and cost are reduced. This application note will re-view the design procedure for the power stage and control electronics of a flyback converte

PCB Layout Guideline for TI Resistive TSC Devices

Texas Instruments
PCB Layout Guideline for TI Resistive TSC Devices

AN-1852 Designing With pH Electrodes (Rev. A)

Texas Instruments
A pH electrode measures hydrogen ion (H+) activity and produces an electrical potential or voltage. Theoperation of the pH electrode is based on the principle that an electric potential develops when two liquidsof different pH come into contact at opposite sides of a thin glass membrane. This was originallydiscovered in 1906 by Max Cremer [1]. His discovery laid the foundation for Fritz Habe

A Micropower Voltage Reference

Texas Instruments
A Micropower Voltage Reference

AN-603 Signed Integer Arithmetic on the HPC

Texas Instruments
AN-603 Signed Integer Arithmetic on the HPC

Getting Started With the C6000 Network Developer?s Kit (NDK)

Texas Instruments
This guide was written for beginning and intermediate users of the C6000 Network Development Kit (NDK). After downloading the evaluation version or purchasing the NDK, new users should read this guide

Pack Assembly and the bq20zxx (Rev. B)

Texas Instruments
This application report describes a recommended assembly sequence for the bq20z80-based battery pack. This procedure results in the most time-efficient setup of the battery pack. Included are steps for connecting a 4-series cell battery to the bq20z80EVM-001.

TMS320C30 Hardware Applications ( Contains Scanned Text)

Texas Instruments
This chapter discusses how to use the TMS320C30s interfaces to connect to various external devices, including the implementation of parallel interface to devices with/without wait states, and the use

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