Designing an Echo Canceller System Using the TMS320C50 DSP

Texas Instruments

Published Date: 07/01/1997


This application report describes an echo canceller system using the Texas Instruments (TI?) TMS320C50 digital signal processor (DSP). The system is based on based on low resolution time-delay estimation using the knowledge that mainly one or two active regions (depending on the number of reflections in the communication channel) characterize the impulse response of a typical echo-path in telepho


Part Number Name Companion Part
TMS320C50PGE TMS320C50PGE Buy Datasheet
TMS320C50PGE57 TMS320C50PGE57 Buy Datasheet
TMS320C50PGE80 TMS320C50PGE80 Buy Datasheet
TMS320C50PQ57 TMS320C50PQ57 Buy Datasheet
TMS320C50PQA57 TMS320C50PQA57 Buy Datasheet