Wireless Motion Detector With Sub-1 GHz SimpleLink Wireless MCU

Texas Instruments

Published Date: 05/18/2017


This application note discusses the main challenges related to wireless motion detector design and how they are addressed by the SimpleLink Sub-1 GHz CC1310 and SimpleLink Dual-band CC1350 wireless MCUs. First, the application note gives a short overview of a wireless motion detector. Then the application report discusses the wireless technology requirements which must be met to support motion detector use cases and explains why Sub-1 GHz technology is an excellent fit.

This application note explains how to build the system based on the SimpleLink CC1310 Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU or the SimpleLink CC1350 dual-band wireless MCU, with focus on low power, networking, and cloud connectivity, as well as Sub-1 GHz and Bluetooth low energy use cases. The document concludes by describing a potential use case, including its state machine and power consumption analysis.