Series: LM3900

Part Number: LM3900DR


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey 296-14604-6-ND 7805 $0.46 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-LM3900DR 3730 $0.33 Buy
Arrow North American Components LM3900DR 330 $0.31 Buy
Win Source LM3900DR 29700 $0.97 Buy
Utsource LM3900DR 33951 $0.62 Buy
Verical Marketplace LM3900DR 330 $0.15 Buy
Quarktwin Electronic Components LM3900DR 35955 $0.59 Buy
Newark LM3900DR $0.11 Buy
AVNET Asia Pacific LM3900DR $0.10 Buy
AVNET Europe LM3900DR 10000 * $0.23 Buy
Texas Instruments LM3900DR 89099 $0.40 Buy
AVNET Express LM3900DR 8707 $0.15 Buy

LM3900 Quadruple Operational Amplifier


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
AN-32 FET Circuit Applications Texas Instruments 05/10/2004
AN-241 Working with High Impedance Op Amps Texas Instruments 05/03/2004
Predicting Op Amp Slew Rate Limited Response Texas Instruments 10/07/2002
AN-260 A 20-Bit (1 ppm) Linear Slope-Integrating A/D Converter (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/05/2013
AN-31 Op Amp Circuit Collection (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/01/2013
AN-79 IC Preamplifier Challenges Choppers on Drift (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/01/2013
AN-4 Monolithic Op Amp—The Universal Linear Component (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/01/2013
AN-46 The Phase Locked Loop IC as a Communication System Building Block Texas Instruments 05/14/2004
Precise Tri-Wave Generation Texas Instruments 10/02/2002
AN-A The Monolithic Operational Amplifier: A Tutorial Study Texas Instruments 05/11/2004
AN-278 Designing with a New Super Fast Dual Norton Amplifier (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 04/23/2013
Super Matched Bipolar Transistor Pair Sets New Standards for Drift and Noise (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/05/2013
Low Drift Amplifiers Texas Instruments 10/02/2002
General Purpose Power Supply Texas Instruments 10/03/2002
Applying a New Precision Op Amp Texas Instruments 10/04/2004
AN-256 Circuitry for Inexpensive Relative Humidity Measurement (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/06/2013
AN-29 IC Op Amp Beats FETs on Input Current (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/01/2013
AN-446 A 150W IC Op Amp Simplifies Design of Power Circuits Texas Instruments 05/10/2004
AN-263 Sine Wave Generation Techniques (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 04/22/2013
Audio Applications of Linear Integrated Circuits Texas Instruments 05/02/2004
AN-24 A Simplified Test Set for Op Amp Characterization Texas Instruments 05/10/2004
AN-20 An Applications Guide for Op Amps (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 05/01/2013
True RMS Detector Texas Instruments 10/01/2002
AN-30 Log Converters (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/01/2013
AN-262 Applying Dual and Quad FET Op Amps (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/06/2013
AN-480 A 40 MHz Programmable Video Op Amp Texas Instruments 05/11/2004
A Low-Noise Precision Op Amp Texas Instruments 10/02/2002
Get Fast Stable Response From Improved Unity-Gain Followers Texas Instruments 10/02/2002
AB-24 Bench Testing LM3900 and LM359 Input Parameters Texas Instruments 05/10/2004
The LM3900 A New Current-Differencing Quad of Plus or Minus Input Amplifiers Texas Instruments 05/02/2004