
Texas Instruments

Series: MSP430G2252

Part Number: MSP430G2252IPW20


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey MSP430G2252IPW20R-ND 0 $1.67 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-MSP430G2252IPW20 531 $1.67 Buy
Arrow North American Components MSP430G2252IPW20 0 $0.96 Buy
Quarktwin Electronic Components MSP430G2252IPW20 5235 $1.85 Buy
Texas Instruments MSP430G2252IPW20 500 $1.34 Buy
Win Source MSP430G2252IPW20 4200 Buy
AVNET Express MSP430G2252IPW20 20 $0.81 Buy
Farnell MSP430G2252IPW20 98 * $2.10 Buy
element14 APAC MSP430G2252IPW20 657 * $1.85 Buy
Newark MSP430G2252IPW20 180 $1.56 Buy

MCU 16-bit MSP430 RISC 2KB Flash 2.5V/3.3V 20-Pin TSSOP


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
MSP430 SMBus Texas Instruments 09/29/1999
QFN/SON PCB Attachment Application Report (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 07/25/2007
Capacitive Touch Sensing, MSP430 Button Gate Time Optimization and Tuning Guide Texas Instruments 05/21/2013
MSP430 Isolated FET Interface Texas Instruments 10/10/2003
HDQ Protocol Implementation with MSP430 Texas Instruments 02/19/2004
FSK Modulation and Demodulation With the Microcontroller MSP430 Texas Instruments 12/14/1998
Features of the MSP430 Bootstrap Loader (BSL) (Rev. F) Texas Instruments 07/14/2010
Capacitive Touch Sensing, MSP430 Slider and Wheel Tuning Guide Texas Instruments 05/21/2013
Powering the MSP430 from a High Voltage Input using the TPS62122 (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 01/12/2012
Generation and Recognition of DTMF Signals With the Microcontroller MSP430 Texas Instruments 10/01/1997

Evaluation Kits

Title Type Part number
MSP430 Capacitive Touch BoosterPack Evaluation Modules & Boards 430BOOST-SENSE1
MSP-GANG JTAG Emulators/ Analyzers MSP-GANG
MSP-TS430PW28A - 28-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F2x and MSP430G2x MCUs Development kit MSP-TS430PW28A
MSP-EXP430G2 Evaluation Modules & Boards MSP-EXP430G2
430BOOST-CC110L Evaluation Modules & Boards 430BOOST-CC110L
MSP-FET430U28A Development Kits MSP-FET430U28A