The SHC5320 is a bipolar, monolithic, sample/hold circuit designed for use in precision, high-speed, data-acquisition applications.
The circuit employs an input transconductance amplifier capable of providing large amounts of charging current to the holding capacitor, thus enabling fast acquisition times. It also incorporates a low leakage analog switch and an output integrating amplifier with input bias current optimized to assure low droop rates. Since the analog switch always drives into a load at virtual ground, charge injection into the holding capacitor is constant over the entire input voltage range. As a result, the charge offset (pedestal voltage) resulting from this charge injection can be adjusted to zero by use of the offset adjustment capability. The device includes an internal holding capacitor to simplify ease of application; however, provision is also made to add additional external capacitance to improve the output voltage droop rate.
The SHC5320 is manufactured using a dielectric isolation process which minimizes stray capacitance (enabling higher-speed operation), and eliminates latch-up associated with substrate SCRs. The SHC5320KH, KP, and KU feature fully specified operation over the extended industrial temperature range of \x9640°C to +85°C, while the SHC5320SH operates over the temperature range of \x9655°C to +125°C. The device requires ±15V supplies for operation, and is packaged in a reliable 14-pin ceramic or plastic dual-in-line package, as well as a 16-pin surface mount plastic package.