Texas Instruments

Series: TLE2426

Part Number: TLE2426CP


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey 296-6548-5-ND 473 $2.64 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-TLE2426CP 739 $2.63 Buy
Win Source TLE2426CP 7000 $6.76 Buy
Verical Marketplace TLE2426CP 404 $2.13 Buy
RS Components (APAC) TLE2426CP $95.43 Buy
RS Components TLE2426CP $11.82 Buy
Arrow North American Components TLE2426CP 0 $0.00 Buy
Quarktwin Electronic Components TLE2426CP 19643 $2.21 Buy
AVNET Express TLE2426CP 2230 $1.24 Buy
Newark TLE2426CP 98 $2.81 Buy
Farnell TLE2426CP 98 * $2.93 Buy
element14 APAC TLE2426CP 36 * $4.60 Buy
Texas Instruments TLE2426CP 6217 $1.75 Buy
AVNET Europe TLE2426CP 300 * $1.07 Buy

The Rail Splitter Precision Virtual Ground, DIP-8


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
Using References to Generate Offsets for the TLC55xx Family Data Converters (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 07/29/2002