LM3632EVM Reference Design

Texas Instruments

LM3632EVM Single-Chip Backlight + Bias Power + 1.5-A Flash LED Driver


The LM3632EVM aids in evaluation of the LM3632 Single-Chip Backlight + Bias Power + 1.5-A Flash LED Driver.The LM3632 contains 3 major blocks:A high efficiency backlight driver capable of driving 2 LED strings of up to 8 LEDs per string.A set of positive and negative bias supplies of programmable reference voltage for powering LCD drivers.A 1.5-A constant current LED driver powered by a synchronous boost converter for camera flash applications.The LM3632EVM and supporting software provides all of the control mechanisms to demonstrate the functionality of all 3 blocks of the LM3632. Control includes I2C interface as well as external control via access to all LM3632 pins.

  • Dual: 11-bit (2048 levels): 25-mA max backlight LED strings  User programmable: 50-mA max VPOS & VNEG bias power supplies Single 1.5-A flash LED driver with 16 levels of current level programmability  I2C Control for all functions External Controls (General Enable: PWM for backlight: independent enable pins for bias power: Strobe and Tx pins for flash driver)
Product Categories
  • Power management
