PMP11208 Reference Design

Texas Instruments

High Density 900mV 220 A 6 Phase DC-DC Buck Converter with PMBus Interface Reference Design


PMP11208 has same hardware as 1.0V PMP9738 and 0.6V PMP10393 but demonstrates operation at 900mV output up to 240 A off 11V: 12V and 13V inputs. While the design is in quasi fixed frequency mode for 1.0Vout and in fixed on time mode for 600mVout: it can be in either mode at 900mVout depending upon load and actual Vin. Testing focused upon detailed static and dynamic loading in and between both modes to show a seamless transition between the two modes.

  • Same hardware as 1.0Vout PMP9738: but with 900mV output testing up to 240ADCAP+ control for excellent step load response: SVID and PMBus interfacesThermal performance & dynamic response verified at 900mV output off 11V: 12V & 13VFocus of evaluation board is on ease of electrical testing with almost all parts on top side    • Rich test interface including PMBus socket: 5V & 3.3V biases and onboard high speed dynamic test load
Product Categories
  • Power management


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