TIDA-00008 Reference Design

Texas Instruments

Hand-to-Hand Body Composition Meter Reference Design with BLE Connectivity


This reference design is for a complete hand-held body composition or fat loss monitor end equipment featuring TI signal chain: power: and connectivity components. With TI's AFE4300 body composition AFE: you can accelerate your body composition design to develop more quickly. This reference design also includes the full BLE connectivity design for easy interface to BLE enabled smartphones: tablets: etc.

  • Features AFE4300 for bio-impedance body composition measurementMSP430F5528 microcontroller for holding calibration data and computing body composition analysisBLE module connection featuring TI's CC2541This design is tested and provides everything you need to complete your design including Schematics: Layout and Gerber files: and BOM
  • Medical sensor patches
Product Categories
  • Sensors


Part Number Name Companion Part
AFE4300 AFE4300 Buy Datasheet
CC2541 CC2541 Buy Datasheet
MSP430F5528 MSP430F5528 Buy Datasheet

Bill Of Materials

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Other Documents

Title Updated Type Size (KB)
TIDA-00008 BOM 03 Sep 2013 PDF 108
TIDA-00008 Gerber 03 Sep 2013 ZIP 95
TIDA-00008 Schematic 03 Sep 2013 PDF 424