TIDA-00052 Reference Design

Texas Instruments

Stand-Alone Multi-Cell Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Precision Protector Solution


This reference design consists of a bq77908A circuit module and a resistor cell simulator module: which can be used for simple evaluation of the IC functions used in consumer electronics applications. The reference design includes one bq77908A integrated circuit (IC): sense resistor: power FETs and all other onboard components necessary to protect the cells from overcharge: overdischarge: short circuit: and overcurrent discharge in a 8-series cell Li-Ion or Li-Polymer battery pack. The circuit module connects directly across the cells in a battery. With a compatible interface board and Windows®-based PC software: the user can view the bq77908A registers and program the IC configuration and protection limits.

  • # Series Cells: 4 to 8S Max Input Volts: 35V Max Charge Current: 3A Communication: I2C Automatic cell balancing: Integrated protectionPersonal computer software available for configuration
Product Categories
  • Power management


Part Number Name Companion Part
BQ77908A BQ77908A Buy Datasheet

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