TIDA-00722 Reference Design

Texas Instruments

Real-time Color Management Reference Design Using MSP430 for TI DLP® Pico™ Projector


This reference design enables real-time color management for TI DLP® Pico projection display systems.  The reference design enables automatic color correction in the field for products incorporating TI DLP Pico technology displays using LEDs. Automatic color correction allows calibration of the LED current as their brightness characteristics change in time and temperature.  The automatic white point correction includes color temperature: and color appearance for all colors. The implementation for a DLP Pico display includes an MSP430 MCU and a RGB color sensor inside the optical engine. Key benefits:Real-time automatic white point correction with use of a color sensorMonitoring color point LED illuminatorsMonitoring LED efficiencyUsing a digital color sensor to eliminate analog interferenceAdjust color register at run time

  • This reference design is verified and includes a schematic: PCB layout: BOM: test report: MSP430 source code and an application note.This reference design enables  color calibration for DLP Pico displays in the field that result in color accurate displays despite of temperature variances and LED current characteristic changes.
  • Tablet (multimedia)
  • Process analytics
  • Augmented reality glasses
  • E-reader
  • Smartphone
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MSP430F5310 MSP430F5310 Buy Datasheet

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Title Updated Type Size (KB)
Real-Time Color Management for DLPC343x Application Note07 Oct 2015PDF748

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Other Documents

Title Updated Type Size (KB)
TIDA-00722 Gerber 24 Mar 2016 ZIP 104
TIDA-00722 BOM 24 Mar 2016 PDF 205
TIDA-00722 Schematic 24 Mar 2016 PDF 417