TIDA-010077 Reference Design

Texas Instruments

Obstacle: cliff detection and stuck prevention all-in-one reference design for robotic applications


Obstacle avoidance: cliff detection: stuck prevention and wall follow are all necessary features for robotic systems. This reference design uses optical time-of-flight (ToF) techniques to build small and cost-effective proximity sensor systems to achieve these features and solve the problem of universal IR solution which is quite sensitive to ambient and object color by a single proximity and distance sensor analog front end (AFE) (OPT3101) with three external near-infrared (NIR) LEDs and one photodiode.

  • Three NIR emitters can be configured for different functions: Cliff detection: obstacle avoidance: stuck prevention and wall followDetection range up to 1.5 meters without a lens for obstacle avoidanceAdaptive high dynamic range (HDR) enables the detection range to be short enough for cliff detection and stuck preventionToF-based sensing AFE (OPT3101) makes measurements insensitive to object color and reflectivity and supports operation under high ambient light conditions (outdoor)Direct distance measurement output with an accuracy of 5%
  • Vacuum robot
  • Robotic lawn mower
Product Categories
  • Sensors