Texas Instruments

Low Power Capacitive Touch Solution Human Machine Interface (HMI) Apps Reference Design


This reference design demonstrates an ultra-low power implementation of capacitive-touch inputs for various human machine interface (HMI) requirements in consumer: industrial and other applications. This deisgn leverages unique features available in the MSP430 value-line microcontroller that enables you to interface capacitive-touch elements directly to a microcontroller input/output pin without the need for external or additional passive components. The capacitive touch BoosterPack features several capacitive touch elements including a scroll wheel: button and proximity sensors. When paired with the MSP430 LaunchPad: this combination provides a hardware and software reference design to enable you to quickly and easily replace any physical button with a capacitive-touch element. This combination provides cost effectiveness for adding capacitive touch to consumer electronics: point-of-sales machines and devices that have a physical button.

  • Capacitive touch elements:Scroll wheelButtonProximity sensorNine on-board LEDs for instant feedbackTimer-based UART communication enables interface to PCOpen-source GUIFully supported by the MSP430 capacitive touch sense library
  • Clinical pulse oximeter
  • 3D printer
  • Standard notebook PC
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Part Number Name Companion Part
MSP430G2452 MSP430G2452 Buy Datasheet
MSP430G2553 MSP430G2553 Buy Datasheet
TPD2E001 TPD2E001 Buy Datasheet
TUSB3410 TUSB3410 Buy Datasheet

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